Vše Interpret Skladba Album
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 1. Rich Johnson  Alternate Main Title  Broken Allegiance Soundtrack 
 2. Monty Python's Flying Circus  Alternate Intro Title Song Meaning Of Life  Monty Python's The Meaning Of Life 
 3. Todd Boekelheide  one--main title  One 
 4. Trevor Jones and Randy Edelman  Main Title  The last of the Mohicans  
 5. Daniel Walker  Main Title  Killer Cop 
 6. Trevor Jones  Main Title  The Last of the Mohicans  
 7. Danny Elfman  Main Title  Charlotte's Web  
 8. Danny Elfman  Main Title  Spider-Man  
 9. Danny Elfman  Main Title  Instinct Soundtrack  
 10. Evan H. Chen  Main Title  Crusade 
 11. James Horner  Main Title  Red Heat  
 12. James Horner  Main Title  Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan  
 13. James Horner  Main Title  All The King's Men  
 14. Trevor Jones and Randy Edelman  Main Title  Last of the Mohicans  
 15. Mark Morgan  Main Title  Planescape - Torment  
 16. John Barry  Main Title  Out Of Africa  
 17. Fried, Gerald  Main Title  FSM V1N4 - Return of Dracula /I Bury the Living / The Cabinet of Caligari / Mark of the Vampire 
 18. Mark Mancina  Main Title / We're In  Bad Boys (Promo) 
 19. Danny Elfman  Main Title  Article 99  
 20. Elfman, Danny  Main Title  Extreme Measures  
 21. Star Trek TMP  TMP Main Title  Star Trek The Motion Picture 
 22. August Rush  Main Title  August Rush Soundtrack  
 23. john barry  01 Main Title  body heat 
 24. Austin Wintory  Main Title  Austin Wintory - DEMO 
 25. Don Davis  Main Title  House On Haunted Hill  
 26. Yoichiro Yoshikawa  Main Title  Dominion Tank Police OST 
 27. Trevor Jones  Main Title  Loch Ness  
 28. Yoichiro Yoshikawa  Main Title  Dominion Tank Police OST 
 29. David De Palo  E&M01 Main Title  EM & ME 
 30. Dave Grusin  Main Title  Fabulous Baker Boys, The  
   1 2 3 4 5 6 7    »
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